Service cost
State license fee
1. How is the document calculated?
Documents are calculated in characters. One page equals 1800 characters with spaces.
1. Why do medical devices undergo testing?
1. Is it possible to suspend or revoke the registration certificate of a medicine?
2. What is the period of registration of a medicine?
3. When is it not possible to conduct clinical or preclinical trials?
1. List of documents required for registration
1. Which documents are required to obtain an import license for medical equipment in Kazakhstan?
1. Which documents are required to obtain a license for medical and pharmaceutical activity in Kazakhstan?
1. List of documents required for registration
1. Which documents are required for registration?
1. Which documents must be submitted to obtain a certificate of approval of the type of measuring instruments in Kazakhstan?
1. Which documents must be submitted to obtain a certificate of conformity for products in Kazakhstan?
1. Which documents on the status of pharmacovigilance activities are required to be submitted?
1) List of the principal data on the medicine of the product license holder
2) Master-file of the pharmacovigilance system (after signing a contract)
2. Are illustrations, images and graphics included in the calculation of a document?
Graphic illustrations are not included in the calculation if there is no text on them that needs translation.
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